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Come migliorare la ricezione TV con meno di 30 euro?

Have you changed your television and  stopped receiving RaiUno, Canale 5 or La7 ?
Could Mediaset Premium be seen until yesterday and has it disappeared from today?


You have already tried manually tuning your TV or decoder, but nothing has changed.

What to do?


There are two options at this point:


  • Call an antenna technician and try to figure out what’s wrong with your antenna system.


  • Purchase an indoor antenna or signal amplifier , and try to improve channel reception in this way.


The indoor antennas in fact contain an amplifier that in some cases it is also possible to adjust, and allow you to increase a weak signal that your TV or decoder is not able to receive.


Furthermore they can be easily oriented and directed towards the repeater that transmits your favorite channel, giving you more flexibility to try to intercept the missing signal.


Alternatively, it is possible to buy a TV signal amplifier, which is very useful especially if the problem with which you are not receiving the TV channels is that the signal is too weak.


The digital terrestrial expert has selected the 5 best indoor antennas and TV signal amplifiers available on the market for less than € 30 .


Before calling an antennae (which between call costs and materials can cost a lot of money), the advice is to try one of these accessories.
If after trying them you still do not receive channels, you can always call an antenna technician at that point to fix the problem.


Let’s take a look together at the alternatives with the best value for money:





There are several Meliconi indoor antennas available, all with excellent reviews that place them at the top of the Top 5.

The Meliconi AT-49  is the best for value for money, and is also aesthetically elegant.


The antennas in this range are all amplified, and depending on the price they range from 38dB to 55dB of power.


They are perfect for use in homes without an external antenna on roofs / balconies and receive DVB-T, DAB, DVB-T HD, DVB-T2 signals, therefore perfect for free, pay and HD digital terrestrial television.


This model, the AT-49 , is also equipped with filters to avoid the interference of 4G / LTE / GSM signals that our homes are now full of (who doesn’t have a cell phone?).


One caveat: watch out for the included antenna cable which is a bit short and therefore you may need an extension cable ( a 5 meter RF extension cable available here ).

Being an amplified antenna, it must be connected to a power outlet.


The more advanced models such as the Meliconi AT-52 antenna   allow you to adjust the intensity of the amplifier to receive TV channels and offer more amplification power for the most desperate cases.




Meliconi indoor TV signal amplifier reviewIf you can’t see some channels because the signal is low ( see here how to check ), the Meliconi AMP20 TV signal amplifier  could be a suitable solution.


It works like this: you take the antenna cable that normally connects to the TV, and plug it into the amplifier where it is written IN.


Then you use an extension cable ( available here a 5 meter extension ) to be inserted where OUT is written to connect the antenna to the TV.


It is very economical, and allows you to connect up to two different TVs which will receive an amplified signal up to 20 dB. The amplification level can be adjusted, and the device must be connected to a power outlet.


Attention however: if in the area of ​​residence you do not receive the channel with the current antenna, this product will NOT solve the reception problem .
The amplifier is only good if you have a weak signal on some channels and for this reason you can’t see them.




non-amplified indoor TV antenna reviewVery economical and with excellent positive reviews, the 1byone indoor antenna is very discreet and should be used in houses without an external antenna on roofs / balconies .

It receives DVB-T and DVB-T2 signals, so it’s perfect for free, pay and HD digital terrestrial television.


It is simple to install, aesthetically it is very thin and flexible, and it occupies a minimum area of ​​space.
It can be placed anywhere, but the most recommended position is on the window pane (perhaps one near the TV).


The antenna measures approximately 20×20 centimeters and is delivered with double-sided adhesive stickers on the back, to be attached directly to the wall or glass.
The only point to pay attention to: the antenna is not amplified , so you may need to add an amplifier (such as the Meliconi AMP20 for example ).


Alternatively, there is  a version of the same antenna amplified at 28 dB  which however costs a little more than € 30.
The included cable measures 4 meters in length, so in most cases there should be no need for an extension cable.




indoor and outdoor TV antenna reviewThe indoor and outdoor 1byone TV antenna  is both economical and versatile.

Unlike other outdoor antennas it is quite discreet, not bulky, and is able to withstand the harshest weather conditions.


So water resistant and has an anti-UV coating, plus it has an integrated filter that eliminates interference from 3G and 4G cellular networks of cell phones, tablets, wireless devices, cordless devices and other transmitters to have a clean digital TV signal. it’s perfect.


It should be used in  houses without an external antenna on roofs / balconies .
It comes with a bracket to fix it to a wall or pole, and with a 3.6 meter water resistant cable. So watch out if the TV is further away you will need an extension ( a 5 meter extension is available here ).


Reviews are generally positive, there is only one caveat:  the antenna is not amplified , so it may need to be coupled with an amplifier (such as the Meliconi AMP20 ).




cobra internal TV antenna model sigma reviewA great classic of indoor antennas, the Cobra model Sigma  is very economical and has been around for years.

It is easy to install (just connect it to the power socket and to the TV) and can be swiveled over 150 degrees and has an adjustable amplification level.

Unfortunately it is not possible to verify by how many dB you amplify the signal.
It is delivered with an antenna cable included, but it is not possible to know the length.

The Cobra  has been on the market for several years and you have surely seen it somewhere before.

He is able to do his job very well, but it should also be considered thatmore recent models are more elegant or more efficient thanks to technological innovation .

In any case, it fully enters the top 5 of low cost tools to improve the reception of digital terrestrial TV channels without calling an antenna.


These 5 methods allow you to improve your TV signal reception by spending less than € 30 if some or none of the TV channels are visible.
However, keep in mind that there are many reasons why you don’t see some or all of the TV channels.


One of them may be that the signal is not being broadcast in your area.
In this case, unfortunately, there is nothing else to do but buy a TivuSat decoder with integrated card and have a satellite dish installed on the roof.


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